
Client Testimonials

Listen to what other businesses have to say about working with KMK Fabrication.  We invite you to read some of our testimonials over the years.

"...it is impossible, I say, for the human mind not to believe that there is in all this design, cause, and effect up to an ultimate cause - a fabricator of all things, from matter and motion-their preserver and regulator while permitted to exist in their present forms - and their regeneration into new and other forms."


Thomas Jefferson

President, USA

"KMK has been incredible to work with and without you guys, I don't know where Division 5 Corporation would be. KMK has also caught the attention of VCC as being an excellent source for steel."


Anjelo J. Vecchio

Division 5 Corporation

"Most works of art, like most wines, ought to be consumed in the district of their Fabrication."


Simone Weil

French philosopher



13510 Ralph Culver Road

Houston, Texas 77086

Business Hours: 8am-4pm



© Copyright 2024, KMK FABRICATION